Get a Liquor Liability insurance quote from our Rhode Island experts.
What is liquor liability insurance?
The retail sale of alcohol comes with certain risks, as retailers might be held liable for incidents that overly intoxicated customers are involved in. Liquor liability insurance may help Rhode Island businesses that sell alcoholic beverages shield themselves from this type of risk.
Liquor liability insurance is specialized coverage for businesses that serve alcohol. Policies often pay legal fees and settlements arising from covered lawsuits.
When does Rhode Island require liquor liability coverage?
Rhode Island generally requires businesses obtaining a liquor license to have liquor liability coverage of at least $300,000. This broadly applies to most businesses selling alcohol to customers.
Businesses that wholesale alcoholic beverages may also need a policy, but their licensing requirements are different. An insurance agent who specializes in liquor liability policies can help both retailers and wholesalers find the coverage they need.
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Does Rhode Island require liquor liability coverage for a Class F liquor license?
Class F liquor licenses are generally available to government organizations, religious organizations, and nonprofits hosting events. This class of liquor license normally permits the sale of beer and wine for one day (19 hours).
Obtaining a Class F license usually doesn’t require liquor liability coverage. Organizations may still want coverage in order to protect themselves, however. An agent who knows liquor liability well can likely help find affordable coverage, through an event insurance policy or something similar.
What kinds of businesses get liquor liability policies?
Liquor liability policies are frequently purchased by liquor stores, bars, restaurants, caterers, and other businesses selling alcoholic beverages. Breweries, wineries, and distilleries often also need a policy.
What kinds of incidents does liquor liability cover?
Depending on the specifics of a policy, liquor liability might cover a range of incidents where intoxicated customers are involved. Some examples of what could be covered are:
Does general liability insurance cover accidents involving intoxicated customers?
Any liquor liability coverage for “slip and fall” accidents is normally limited to when the injured is intoxicated.
While general liability can also cover these basic accidents, general liability’s protection frequently excludes accidents if the injured is intoxicated. Hence, additional coverage through a liquor liability policy is usually needed.
Do liquor liability policies cover incidents that occur off of a business’s premises?
Some of the protections included in a liquor liability policy might extend to events occurring off of a business’s property. A sexual assault that someone commits after leaving may be covered, or a DUI accident that they cause could be. In situations such as these, the business might be held partially liable for overserving the customer.
Does liquor liability extend to incidents occurring off-premises?
Yes, liquor liability coverage often includes incidents that occur off the premises, such as DUI accidents or assaults involving intoxicated customers after they leave the business. Ensuring coverage for off-premises incidents is crucial, and businesses should verify this coverage with their insurance agent.
A knowledgeable agent can check what coverage a policy offers for off-premises claims.
Do liquor liability policies cover incidents if the customer is underage?
Serving alcohol to underage customers might void a liquor liability policy. Businesses should be checking IDs regardless of what insurance coverage they have.
How much does a liquor liability policy cost to purchase?
The cost of liquor liability policies vary. Insurance companies can look at details such as annual sales, percent of sales coming from alcohol, types of alcohol sold, and claims history when setting rates.
To find out how much a policy will cost in a particular situation, businesses can compare quotes with an independent insurance agent.
Where can businesses find liquor liability insurance?
For assistance finding liquor liability insurance in Rhode Island, get in touch with the independent agents at Podmaska Insurance. Our agents are familiar with the state’s requirements, and will help you make sure your business gets the protection it needs.
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